Contaminations and quotes: Between Classic and Modern

Works on display by The Bounty KillArt

Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea
From june 18th to july 3rd
Curated by Giorgio Agnisola

A playful coming and going between present and past on display at the COMEL space of contemporary art in Latina from June 18th to July 3rd with “Contaminazioni e Citazioni – Between Classic and Modern”, the personal exhibition of the Turin collective The Bounty KillArt, winner of Aluminium Bonds, the eighth edition of the COMEL Award.

As stated by the art critic and writer, as well as scientific curator of the exhibition, Giorgio Agnisola, The Bounty KillArt one “It is a world […] marked by the continuous reference to intellectual speculations, divertissement, meditative ideas, founded in the elastic, permeable fabric, metamorphic of the composition “.

And it is precisely the citation of famous classic works invested with a verve, sometimes ironic, sometimes desecrating, and other times irreverent, that characterizes the work of the collective. A real roller coaster that takes the observer between the peaks of classical art and those of pop culture. In fact, the visitor to the exhibition will have fun finding quotes from films, video games, and TV series that become a starting point to give further meaning to famous sculptures such as Canova’s Paolina Borghese or Mirone’s Discobolus, to name just a couple.

Technical skill, acute and caustic observation of today and the game, all in an exhibition inaugurated on Saturday, June 18th at 18.00 and open to the public every day from 5 pm to 8 until July 3rd.

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