Vernissage of “The Expressivity of Aluminium”

The highly anticipated international exhibition will be inaugurated on 9 March at the COMEL Space in Latina.

The selected works of thirteen artists from different countries of the European Community will be presented by the organizing committee of the Award at 18.30.

The Spazio COMEL once again proves to be a catalyst of excellence for high-quality artistic expressions and a place of precious interaction between art and the public, also thanks to the free accessibility of the gallery.

An excellent opportunity for the city of Latina, host of an initiative that has made use, among other things, of an art jury of all respect: the art critic Giorgio Agnisola, La Repubblica artist and assistant director Gregorio Botta and director of St. Stephen’s Cultural Center Foundation.

Aluminium is the material chosen by the COMEL Award, and also the challenge for artists. In some cases it was a refined research over time, in others an unprecedented experimentation with a new medium as fascinating as malleable and therefore sensitive to the pressure that the emotion of the moment can impress you. Different ambitions and expressions; sometimes it has been worked on the pure material, in other cases the combination of various techniques has created a result full of meanings. The angry act that kills on the canvas is opposed to the poetic touch of small colored insertions under the foil, the union of multiple disciplines opens new unexplored paths, the infinite recycling of aluminum becomes a source of inspiration, and so on, in a rich sequence of symbolic finds and surprising actions.

The jury will nominate the winner on 6 April. Prize 2500 euro. In addition, the public can decide their favorite artist. The most voted will be sponsored by the Spazio COMEL.

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