The final exhibition of the VIII Edition announced

Beyond our own borders to go back and sharing beauty.

The call was opened started in full pandemic, in April 2020, and lasted for almost a year, now this eighth edition of the COMEL Award comes to its conclusion with one of the topic moments: the “Aluminium Bonds” exhibition will be inaugurated on Saturday, October 2, 2021.
The COMEL Contemporary Art Space in Latina, until October 23, will host the exhibition of the 13 finalist artworks , which were chosen from hundreds of subscribers after a long selection process. Many styles, many different sensibilities, various techniques used to decline this year’s theme.
Aluminium Bonds underlines the values ​​that the COMEL Award has always pursued: the sharing of emotions, knowledge and experiences through Art; the closeness of people united by the same passion; the ability of this, apparently cold, metal to convey such contents. Values ​​that today, after a year and a half of pandemic, are becoming more and more of vital importance.
Despite the restrictions imposed in various countries due to the health emergency, also this year there are works from various nationalities and from all over Italy. The artists wanted to overcome the borders of their city and their nation, marked even more lately, shouting loudly the desire to meet again, to travel, to share experiences and emotions.
As always, the jury will have to choose only one winner, which is not an easy task given the high level achieved again this year, and the public will be asked to vote for their favorite artwork, whose author will win the Audience Award.
During the inauguration, the exhibition catalog will also be presented along with a substantial critical review by the distinguished scholars, art critics, and curators whi are members of the jury of this edition.

The 13 finalists: Mariangela Calabrese – Italy, Alatri (FR) – installation; Ana Celdrán Beltrán – Spain, Murcia – sculpture; Penelope Chiara Cocchi – Italy, Bologna – installation; Michele D’Agostino – Italy, Monza Brianza – installation; Gennaro De Martino – Italy, Naples – installation; Niko Kapa – Greece / Great Britain, London – sculpture; Luciana Penna – Italy, Milan – sculpture; Fabrizio Pedrali – Italy, Palazzuolo (BS) – installation; Paolo Pompei – Italy, Pesaro Urbino – sculpture; Rosella Restante – Italy, Rome – installation; Mirella Saluzzo – Italy, Ravenna – installation; The Bounty Killart – Italy, Turin – sculpture; Marcello Trabucco – Italy, Latina – installation.

The jurors: president of the jury Giorgio Agnisola, art critic and writer, professor of sacred art at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy; Elena Pontiggia, art critic, professor of Contemporary Art History at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts; Marcello Francolini art critic, independent curator, professor of Contemporary Art History at the Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria; Vincenzo Lieto, curator and artistic director of the Pinacoteca di Gaeta (LT); the entrepreneur and manager Maria Gabriella Mazzola, with her family, owner of COMEL, the promoter and sole sponsor of the COMEL Award.

Aluminium Bonds – COMEL Vanna Migliorin Contemporary Art Award VIII edition
Promoted and organized by Maria Gabriella Mazzola and Adriano Mazzola
From October 2 to October 23, 2021
Awards: October 23, 2021
Every day from 5 pm to 8 pm
COMEL Contemporary Art Space, Via Neghelli 68 – Latina
Free admission
Contacts: | | 0773.487546

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