Submissions now closed

Dear participants,
we’re always happy to follow any stage of the prize, from the registration to the award ceremony. The Call ended yesterday with a great success. We’ve received 466 submissions from the EU.

We’re really satisfied with the interest and enthusiasm you are following us with and we’re sure that, apart from the selection, this prize will be a further creative motivation for your artistic path.

Many of the selected artists of the previous editions have declared it was the first time they experimented aluminum, just in order to take part to the contest. Others, on the other hand, had already used it professionally.
Creating the desired work is always a challenge for the artist and its achievement always requires commitment, passion, technique. For this reason and also for your caring attention, we really express our gratefulness to you all, both for the submitted works and for the human interaction that you’ve given to us.

Thanks to the jury, the award will soon enter the stage of selection of the thirteen works that will be on display at the Spazio COMEL for the exhibition connected to the prize, entitled “Lucent Aluminum”. The results will be announced on the website and through press releases. The selected artists will also be notified via email.

We share with you the thrill of the waiting, along with the certainty to have already achieved something important: the creation of a work. In the end, maybe this is the goal that counts.
In the hope that you will continue to follow us and to participate also to the next editions, we wish you all the best, in art as well as in life.

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