Inspirations and Visions
works by Chiara A. Colombo
Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea
From May 13 to May 28, 2023
curated by Giorgio Agnisola
Refined literary, cinematographic and artistic quotations are just some of the characteristic elements of the works of Chiara A. Colombo, some of which will be exhibited at the Contemporary Art Spazio COMEL in Latina in the solo exhibition Inspirations and Visions curated by Giorgio Agnisola.
Chiara Colombo is already known to the art-loving Pontine public for winning the 9th edition of the COMEL “Endless Aluminum” Award with the work Betulle. It is an engraved, painted, and punched aluminium plate that opens a narrative cycle, included in a sequence of four works, inspired by the famous film The Childhood of Ivan by Andrei Tarkovsky, winner of the Golden Lion in Venice as the best film in 1962
Chiara Colombo’s artistic journey begins with a reflection on war, the human being, and Nature. Works that inspire a twofold afflatus well summarized by Giorgio Agnisola, curator of the exhibition: ” … a double score characterizes her recent production. On the one hand, it is the representation with an abstract and informal sign of tense naturalistic contexts, in which the artist develops an intimate and mysterious story; on the other hand, it is the lyrical shot, the reflection in the form of an inspired imaginary and poetic tension.”
themes is what can be felt when observing Chiara Colombo’s works on display in the solo exhibition Inspirations and Visions, which will open Saturday, May 13, at 6 p.m. and will be open to the public daily from 5 to 8 p.m. until May 28.
Biographical notes: Born in Monza in 1963, she graduated in painting from NABA in Milan in 1987. Her artistic research develops from the sign as an element investigating the thin border between painting and sculpture. From initial almost abstract themes, Architectures, Clouds, and Angels, over time, she turned toward a more socially and ecologically committed dimension without losing, even in contexts of realism, the lyricism and lightness that are the stylistic hallmark of her work. A relentless experimenter with materials, she often uses natural elements and textile and metal scraps from industrial production to create sculptures and paintings. Reflecting on the work of F. Goya, she has created drawings, sculptures, and intaglio engravings on the theme of the death penalty, sometimes about news events – such as the case of the nine Ogoni activists in Nigeria in 1995, the genesis of the installation Hanged.