Andrea Meneghetti wins the audience COMEL Award 2015

The fourth edition of the COMEL Award ‘Vanna Migliorin’ – Contemporary Art ended last Saturday, 18th April. The outcome has been positive and considerable interest has been generated among artists and critics of the European Union. For many the award is a reason of challenge, as they have to work on an unusual medium, aluminum, and the annual call becomes a stimulus for the artists to create a work being aware of having to confront an international environment. Indeed, although the majority of the artists enrolled in the award are Italian, a good representation of many other European nations is not lacking, and they are often already well-known artists.

After the election of the Jury Award, it was the turn of the audience award.

‘Obtaining the visitors’ feedback and praise is indeed a sign that emotion has been trasmitted, the message has arrived’, explained gratefully the winner, Andrea Meneghetti (Vicenza).

Andrea Meneghetti was born in 1977 in Bassano del Grappa (Italy). In 1996 he graduated from the International School of Graphics of Venice and in 1998 he held his first solo exhibition. He has recorded numerous exhibitions in galleries and public places, including Galleria Civica Cavour (Padua), International Luxury Exhibition (Fair of Vicenza), Palazzo Pisani (Lonigo), Palazzo Fogazzaro (Schio), Boutique Malloni (Fuorisalone Milano). He creates metal sculptures with the technique of laser cutting.

The work that has conquered the public is ‘La primavera di Afrodite’ (‘The Spring of Aphrodite’) (aluminum plate painted with black enamel). The sculpture lends itself to a quite impressive game of shadows and transparencies, presenting the image of human beauty without unnecessary construction, in its authenticity and essence.

Meanwhile, a new edition of the COMEL Award is also being considered. The notice is scheduled for September 2015.

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